In the blown film extrusion process, bubble cages (aka sizing cage, sizing basket, calibration cage or calibration basket) is used to stabilize the blown film bubble directly over the die and air ring. Keeping the bubble stable with a bubble cage over the die and air ring improves film quality by ensuring the air ring and internal bubble cooling effects are uniformly applied to the entire circumference of the bubble.
As production rate increases, and in particular, when internal bubble cooling is used, the sizing cage is a required feature. The higher production rates require more air flow on the bubble which results in bubble movement and sometimes complete instability.
Radial cages have the distinct advantage of providing completely centered and linear support for their complete range of layflat widths. Traditionally this benefit came at the expense of added cost, complexity and a larger footprint, troublesome for tight installations.
The Roll Radial Cage improves upon the scissor cage design, while increasing the range of supported layflat widths (4:1), and maintaining the small footprint of iris style cages.
Mechanical linkages and moving parts have been greatly reduced, bringing with it the advantage of complete rigidity and zero backlash. The result is a fully supported bubble at all times. With the axial roller diameter adjustment, IBC control is also improved where the sensors are now perfectly perpendicular to the film surface at all layflat widths.